Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 1: Absolutely Amazed ...

Good evening everyone from the very humid and beautiful Nassau!  

We arrived safely after just making both of our flights!  All our luggage arrived intact and the biggest "luggage mess" was some broken gatorade containers.  Other than that, everything and everyone made it here safely!

Here are just a few notes I jotted down today:

Ways we’ve seen Satan attempt to attack us:

  • -       I've had a lot of exhaustion that made me just want to sleep for the past two weeks
  • -       Little Becca Kendrew’s eye infection returned the day before we left
  • -       Packing everything we needed felt like a disaster
  • -       The group members weren’t finalized until 2 weeks ago!
  • -       Almost missed both flights … cutting it very close!
  • -       Everyone is tired …

But ways I’ve seen God sustain and provide:

  • -       I feel rested and ready to roll!
  • -       Becca didn’t have to stay in the hospital
  • -       We had room for every last thing in our bags with no one over weight limits!
  • -       We got everyone to move together and made our flights on time!
  • -       We have the exact right group of students here!

-       There’s excitement and nervousness in the air allowing us to lean only on God for our strength, support, love, and comfort.

It’s been awesome to ask students what they’re nervous and excited about when it comes to the trip.  Students are nervous about communication overall, having to teach little ones, traveling, and being accepted.  But they’re also excited to be open to hear what God has to teach them and they want to learn about other cultures. 

I pray that God’s will be done above all else.  He will do what He will do and it is up to us whether we want to jump on board … and whether we will be the beautiful feet of those who tell of the good news.  This week, may we all be challenged in what it actually looks like to claim that “To Love is To Serve” … may we find what that means and learn how to live out God’s love for His creation with how we live our lives.

What we did today was settle into our beautiful camp, head to the canal and hung out with some locals and enjoyed the beautiful clear water.  Then we had our debriefing and as everyone's eyes started to close, we had them pray for the start of VBS and the work we'll be doing tomorrow.  All we have left is snack time and a good night's sleep in the warm heat and a lot of fans in the cabins!


1 comment:

  1. Hello to all:

    We praise and thank God for His sovereign guidance and protection. Remeber that God has annointed each one of you to preach good news to the poor, to bind the brokenhearted, comfort those who mourn, and set the captives free (Isaiah 61:1-3) And He will supply all of your needs while doing this!
    It was great to see the pictures. Remember to drink lots of water, and get as much sleep as possible. We will pray that each of you will stay in good health throughout the week. Enjoy the beautiful Bahamas!
    Blessings and Prayers to all.
